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  • Dec 29 Tue 2009 21:09
  • Flood


roaring flood

raging out from the monitor

after the space where your last word ends

pouring all over my face

matchafrog 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

決定, 就這麽一聲不吭, 一聲不響的結束這不成功的數學題。

你說我數學爛也好 , 說我不用功也罷,


matchafrog 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I was never a passionate blogger, and I don't even expect to publicize this blog.

Just some space to record my daily happenings and leave a trace of my life for later rememberance.

Yesterday went to the soul unity costume thingy. Lots of threads of thoughts went flowing in my mind. But I don't plan to write them down. What comes and what goes, the ones that lingers will deserve later recitement. 

Recently, don't know how it happened. The box of memory has been opened up by God knows what and who, random memory just came flooding like a stream running over my mundane life. Creating a surreal  world of remorse and infinite heart felt 悸動 interweaving with day to day routine.

I love the Cafe Allegro building. The building that hosts megus book store and professional coopy and print. The old red brick building always dress it self with beautiful colors of fall scarf when autumn quarter is in the doing. Day after day , the crescendo of the colors changing always manage to find itself a splendid beautuful match. 大自然在黃橘紅綠中找到完美和協搭配。this is one thing that will give me a instant smile and genuine praise to the creator.  love it.

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